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january 2003

The Vouls in the Arabic Language

For the european languages speakers, there is some confussion when they search for the vouls in the arabic language. Some people told me that there are not vouls in the arabic, which is not true. The arabic has 3 main letters used as consonents and also as vouls, it depnds on the way we use them.

They are the letters ( ALEF ), ( WAW ) and ( YA'A ) which are the sounds of the vouls ( A), ( O, U ) and the ( E, I ) in english Besides, in arabic we use a group of signs over and under the letters, to controle the vouls. These signs are so many.

I'll show you here next, the most used of them over and under one of the letters :

Look at these example: حَ حِ حُ حً حٍ حٌ

Al Fat'hah as in this (حَ): This sign (-) over the letter (ح), is the voul (a) in arabic, which means: If you put it over any letter, this changes the mentioned sound of the letter to be acompined or followd with the voul (a) .. for example To say (house) in arabic, we say: (BAYT) and to write it, it'll be this way: ( بَيت ) .. Notice the (fat'hah) over the letter (Ba'a) on the right side.
Here we've added the voul (a) to the letter B

Al Kasrah as in this (حِ): This sign (-) under the letter (ح) is the voul (e) in arabic, which means: If you put it under any letter, that'll indicate us to mention the letter acompined with the voul (e).
For example; To say (Girl) in arabic, we say: ( Bent ) and it's written this way ( بِنت ).
Notice the (kasrah) under the first letter to the right (Ba'a). it's the same letter of the other example above, but here we add it down the letter cause it's the voul (e) in this case, and we call it "Kasrah".

( ’ ) Al Dummah: Looks like a coma, to be put over the letters and works as the voul (o) in english.
For example: To say (Tower) in arabic, you say (Borj) and the way to write it is ( بُرج ) .
You see the (Dummah) over the (Ba'a) which is the first letter to the right side .. We added the voul (o) to the letter.

As I said before, the signs are so many in arabic, but these 3 are the main and the most important to be known for the moment.

Arabic Language For Beginners -1

january 2003

Let's start the arabic language lessons.

In fact, you will discover that the arabic language is easier than the english, and more beutiful. In the begining it'll sound very difficult, as it has different letters, not simillar to any latin language. So, My advice is not to compare the arabic with any of those languages, at least in the begining.

VERY IMPORTANT TO EVERY ONE .. To be able to read and type the arabic letters in your computer, you have to load the arabic language from your windows cd or from windows update on line.

Let's start ...

The Arabic Alphabet are 28 letters:

( ء ) ـ ( أ ) ـ ( ـئـ ) ـ ( ئ ) ـ ( ؤ ) ـ ( ـأ )

Al Hamzah: This is the first letter in arabic, which is Similar to the letter (A) in english. You see above 6 different ways to write it. The way it's written depends on its' position in the word and also on the acompanying voul

( ب ) ـ ( بـ ) ـ ( ـب )

Al Ba'a: The second letter, and it is the sound. 3 ways to write it, depend on its' position in the word

( ت ) ـ ( تـ ) ـ ( ـت)

Al Ta'a: The third letter, it's the sound of the (T) letter in english

( ث ) ـ ( ثـ ) ـ ( ـث)

Al Tha'a: The fourth letter. Its' sound is like the (TH) in english, but with the toungue out of the mouth. Or better to say it's exactly like the letter (Z) in Spanish.
Al THA'A which is ( ث ) Is like the (TH) in english, but you must put part of the tongue out of the mouth and between the teeth In both spanish and greec languages you can find a similar letter, in spanish for those who know it it's the letter (Z) but in greec, I am not sure about the name of the similar letter But I know they have one.

( ج ) ـ ( جـ ) ـ ( ـجـ ) ـ ( ـج )

Al Jeem: Its' sound is like the (J) in english or some times like (G) as well

( ح ) ـ ( حـ ) ـ ( ـحـ ) ـ ( ـح )

Al Ha'a: In fact, its' sound has nothinig simillar in any latin language, but we can say it's simillar to the letter (H) just to make it acceptable, to get the correct sound, you have to get it from the throat

( خ ) ـ ( خـ ) ـ ( ـخـ ) ـ ( ـخ )

Al Kha'a: Also this one has not any simillar in english language, but we used to ranslate it as (KH) to be understood by the english natives: It's the same sound of the (J) in spanish, and also in greec languagewhen you say (Thank you) it is that letter i n greec that you use the KH

Be Careful with the points over and under the letters, In arabic alphabet, the points are part of the letter, and you can change the whole letter (as you see above) if you change one singel point

( د ) ـ ( ـد)

Al dal: It's the letter (d) in arabic. I wrote it in small letter precisly to distinguage it from another letter, which it has the sound D as well. In "Al dal" here the "d" sound is very light.

( ذ ) ـ ( ـذ )

Al Thal: The exact sound (TH) in english.
Well, It's dificult to decied which letter is it exactly in english, in fact it's a sound between the "th" and the "Z" in inglish. The accent from an arab region to an other is different like in every where, that we can even hear it sounds like (D) the occidental arab countries like Morroco and Tunis, What you have to know for the time being, is the standerd sound.

( ر ) ـ ( ـر )

Al Ra'a: Is the letter R in arabic.

الزاى .. الزين:
( ز ) ـ ( ـز )

Has two names which are: Al Zay or Al Zain. But its' sound is the same which is the same (Z) in the english language .. Again, be careful with the points.

Well, this lesson is going to be a little difficult, because you'll learn some letters which share other letters the same sound, but the different among them, is in the way we pronanciate each, let's say, it's between high and low sounds.

( س ) ـ ( سـ ) ـ ( ـسـ ) ـ ( ـس )

Al Seen: Is the letter (S) is english.

( ش ) ـ ( شـ ) ـ ( ـشـ ) ـ ( ـش )

Al Sheen: Is the sound (SH) in english.

( ص ) ـ ( صـ ) ـ ( ـصـ ) ـ ( ـص )

Al Sad: This letter is another (S), the different between (Al SAD) here and the other (Seen) mentioned above, is in the tone: Which means that we use Al SEEN for high (S) and we use AL SAD for the low (S). It's difficult to explain the difference between both of them, but you'll get it with the time and the practice.

( ض ) ـ ( ضـ ) ـ ( ـضـ ) ـ ( ـض )

Al Dad: Here you have another confusing letter, It's another letter for the sound (D) which sounds similar to the letter (DAl) mentioned before: Also here in el (Dad) you can say that we use it for the low tone of the letter (D). while we use (al Dal) for the high tone: You'll get it with the time and practice as well.

( ط ) ـ ( ـط )

AL TA'A: Another confusion with the letter (Ta'a) mentioned before in the begining. The one here is also used for the low tone of the letter T.

( ظ ) ـ ( ـظ )

Al ZA'A: And another one for the sound (Z) in english, also this one is to be used for the low tone.

( ع ) ـ ( عـ ) ـ ( ـعـ ) ـ ( ـع )

Al Ain: This letter has not any simillar in any latin language, It's sound is close to the sound of the letter (A) But you have to get it from the throat.

( غ ) ـ ( غـ ) ـ ( ـغـ ) ـ ( ـغ )

Al Ghain: This is the arabic letter for the sound of the letter R as it sounds in French and German languages.

( ف ) ـ ( فـ ) ـ ( ـفـ ) ـ ( ـف )

Al Fa'a: The sound (F) in arabic.

( ق ) ـ ( قـ ) ـ ( ـقـ ) ـ ( ـق )

Al Qaf: Can be the sound of the letter (K) or (Q) or (CA) in english.

( ك ) ـ ( كـ ) ـ ( ـكـ ) ـ ( ـك )

Al Kaf: To be used also to pronounciate the letters (K) or (Q) or (CA) in english. The different between it and the letter above, is that this one is used for the light sound of those letters - You'll get it with the practice as well.

( ل ) ـ ( لـ ) ـ ( ـلـ ) ـ ( ـل )

Al Lam: This is the letter (L) in Arabic.

( م ) ـ ( مـ ) ـ ( ـمـ ) ـ ( ـم )

Al Meem: The letter (M) in arabic.

( ن ) ـ ( نـ ) ـ ( ـنـ ) ـ ( ـن )

Al Noon: The letter (N) in arabic.

( ه ) ـ ( هـ ) ـ ( ـهـ ) ـ ( ـه )

Al Ha'a: The letter (H) in arabic as you use it in english.

( و ) ـ ( ـو )

Al Waw: This letter is used as the letters (O) , (U) and (W) in english .. it's used as a consunante and voul too. It depends of the word.

( ى ) ـ ( ي ) ـ ( يـ ) ـ ( ـيـ ) ـ ( ـى )

AL Ya'a: Is the last letter in the arabic alphabet, and it has a similer sound as the letters: (E), (I) and (Y) in english.

Well, Till here the arabic alphabet are compleat, but we can add 2 more extra letters, not because they are different letters, but because they are used a lot. They are:

(Al Alef) and (Al Lam Alef), here you have them:

( ا ) ـ ( ـا )

Al Alef: This is the voul (a) in arabic, as you see, it's a variation of the first letter in the arabic alphabet: (Al Hamza), the different here, is that we don't add that sign over the letter.

اللام ألف:
( لا ) ـ ( ـلا )

Al Lam Alef: As you noticed, it's a compination of 2 letters: (Al Alef) and (Al Lam) It's used a lot in the arabic language. for that reason, you may find it shown in some books as a separat letter.

OK, Now You Know all the letters, the next lesson will show you the vouls.

عوموه .. من غير عوامة ولا مايوه

يناير 2003

خلاص يا سادة ويا سيدات يا كرام، جنيهنا المحترم الوقور، بعد ما قلعوه هدومه،وجردوه من قيمته ووقاره، حيرموه فى مياه أعالى البحار والمحيطات، علشان يعوم، والأكادة .... بدون عوامة ولا مايوه .. يا عينى عليه المسكين!
كلها ساعات، والخبر حيكون مُعلن رسمى، وهذا حسب مصدر البي بى سى الأكيد .. يعنى انتظروا لحد ما شافوا كل بورصات العالم بتغرق، علشان يقرروا يحدفوه معاهم! ..
 يكونش هو اللى حينقذ إبن عمه الدولار من الغرق؟ .. ممكن برضو ..
يالله .. هو بتاعنا! 
الإقتصاديون المحنكون مش مقتنعين بالتعويم فى هذا الوقت بالذات .. وأنا ما ليش فى الإقتصاد، وبأدى العيش لخبازه، والخبازين مش مقتنعين .. لكن الحكومة نوت وقررت ونفذت .. فحضرتى ما بقتش مجمع حاجة خالص اليومين دول .. أقصد الربع قرن اللى فات!
 يا ترى تعويم الجنيه حيفرق معانا، والا مش حيفرق زى ما كل حاجة ما بقتش فارقة؟؟
 واحد ابن بلد كتب كلمة حكمة فى أحد المنتديات وقال:
(المهم ان العمليه لما تضييق قوى ع الناس وتستحكم حلقاتها ح تفرج)
 وسؤالى ببساطة: هى لسه ما ضاقتش قوى ع الناس؟ المطلوب تبقى إزاى علشان نقول عليها ضاقت قوى؟
 طيب ماشى .. نشوف سعر الجنيه أمام العملات الأجنبية .. بعد يومين من قرار التعويم كان إزاى .. علشان نقارنه بعد أيام .. وبعد شهور:
 1 دولار = 5.33 جنيه
 1 يورو = 5.74 جنيه
 1 استرلينى = 8.78 جنيه

بعد مرور 4 اسابيع إلا يوم .. 

ياللهول .. بصوا شوفوا جنيهنا إتعمل فيه إيه:

 1 دولار = 5.57 جنيه .. يعنى نقص 24 قرش.
 1 يورو = 5.98 جنيه .. يعنى نقص 24 قرش.
 1 استرلينى = 8.78 جنيه .. يعنى ما نقصش الحمد لله لسه.
 بالذمة ده معقول؟؟؟؟ فى 27 يوم بس، يحصل الفرق الغريب ده؟؟
 العادى إنه يزيد جزء من القرش أو يقل جزء من القرش كل شهر، أو نقول أسبوع علشان ماحدش يزعل، إنما 24 قرش مرة واحدة!!!!
 ليــــــــــــــــــــــه ؟؟؟؟؟؟
 يا نهار مالوش لون !! كل دى نطة، فى كام يوم بس!!
 لكن معلهش .. نقول إنها أسعار مصارف وبورصات مالهاش دعوة بالتعاملات اليومية فى الشارع ..الناس هى اللى تقدر تحس بسعره الفعلى من خلال تعاملاتهم اليومية .. لكن المؤلم .. إنه من كلام الناس .. أصبح مالوش سعر!
 رأيى أن نقوم بحملة، لتشجيع الناس على شراء الجنيه، والإدخار بالجنيه، والتحويل بالجنيه، وفى هذا دعم منا ولو بسيط لعملتنا المسكينة.