Right, Here you'll get some verbs in the infinitive.
But first, You must know that the infinitive state of the verbs in the arabic language, is the verb in the past tense for the third person.
He ate - He walked - He drank, and so on.,
So let's start:
( أكَلَ ) To EAT (ate)
The pronanciation is: A KA LA
( شَرَبَ ) To Drink (drank)
The pronanciation is: SHA RA BA
( نَامَ ) To Sleep (slept)
The pronanciation is: NA MA
( كَتَبَ ) To Write (wrote)
The pronanciation is: KA TA BA
( قَرَأ ) To Read (red)
The pronanciation is: QA RA A
( فَتَحَ ) To Open (opened)
The pronanciation is: FA TA HA
( قَفَلَ ) To Close (closed):
The pronanciation is: QA FA LA
You may realized that all the verbs here contains 3 letters. Actually all the arabic verbs have 3 letters in their infinitive state, you might find some exeptions, but they are few.